Friday, November 14, 2008

Weekly Round-up

Here are a few pretty good reads with comments:
1. The Hillary as Secretary of State News:
Buzz at Newsweek Blog; Technorati Blogs on this Issue
I think the Hillary possibility is so Obama. President Obama just seems to make these "out of the park: appointments. Biden, Rahm Eanuel and now the Clinton's at State.
2. Krugman on Going Big on the Stimulus Package. Krugmans is just sick with respect to how convincing he is. He is a good Keynesian which I really like in times like this.
3. The Auto Indistry Bailout. Yglesias. This is just a snippet. But what is so cool about Yglesias is that he is balanced. He sees problems with socializing industry which is a good thing to fear.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Post Partisan Progress

I like to compare the current financial meltdown to 9/11. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 were so profound that all former approaches to foreign policy in the middle east were torn asunder. The events of 9/11 drove a shift of perspective and paradigm. So too, the financial meltdown has crushed the naivete of deregulation and transformed the world's understanding of the role of government in protecting its citizens against economic disaster.

The recent economic events coupled with the leadership of Barack Obama have opened the door to a similarly post-partisan approach to the symbiotic relationship between government and progress and possibly prosperity. This new open door provides an opportunity for an period of post-partisan politics. The old ideological categories do not fit and so in the between time before new ideologies solidify we have the opportunity for a more objective, pragmatic and effective season of problem solving with respect to the economy and possibly foreign policy.

This open door is the path that this blog and hopefully the news aggregator to follow hopes to go down and cultivate dialogue and provide information for the thinking post-partisans who will participate in this emerging economic and political restructuring.


Fixing GM

Thomas Friedman's article, How to Fix a Flat, is great read this morning. His main points on how to fix GM;
1. Fire the entire board and executive management.
2. Share holders loss all equity.
3. Take the company over and re-organize.

I must agree. We don't let the business fail but we force immediate change by taking over GM. Many people are going to loss a lot including retirees, unions, all executives and all the representatives and senators need to be seriously held to account.

This is not a progressive approach but it is CHANGE. Next post: What are the various approaches on how to save the auto industry.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Progressive and Pragmatic

My first goal is to build a blogroll of progressive and pragmatic bloggers. The problem and the cause of the recent financial and political meltdown is stubborn ideology.

My intention is to find rational minds and public intellectuals who are discussing how to pragmatically help our economy flourish and our communities prosper.


What is Probama?

This is a blog that covers and comments on the policies and progressive administration of Barack Obama. I am admittedly hopeful and aligned with using government to solve problems within its sphere and see the Obama administration as a step forward and a positive development.

My issues are:
1. African development
2. Middle class income and the need to generate consumer demand via middle class income growth.
3. Energy Independence.
